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Recommended Resources

Below are a series of books, podcasts, and other tools that can help you help more people more often. 


All of the resources are supported by research evidence, unless otherwise noted.

Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change and Grow

by Dr. William R. Miller and Dr. Stephen Rollnick

Motivational interviewing is a counseling technique that originated in the late 1980s as effective means of addressing addiction and behavior change in that space.

Since then, the technique has been applied to any number of areas inside and outside of healthcare where the goal is to help a person find their own internal motivations for changing their behavior or taking the next step.

The latest edition of the book series was published in 2023 and specifically brings "MI" techniques to coaching and education in addition to healthcare.

Simply Put: Why Clear Messages Win―and How to Design Them

by Ben Guttman

Chances are that if an email, advertisement, or conversation didn't have your desired result, your message was to long, too complicated, or not relevant enough for the person you were hoping to reach and move to action.  Guttman distills what makes up an effective message and leads you towards more effective messaging (text and verbal).

To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others

by Daniel H. Pink

No matter what line of work you or in or what role you play in life, you will need to persuade others to follow through on your recommendations. A parent needs to "sell" their children to eat their vegetables and finish their homework. An engineer needs to "sell" his boss on acquiring a new and expensive piece of equipment or software. A teacher needs to "sell" his/her students on finishing their assignments and healthcare professionals need to "sell" their patients on following through with their recommendations.

ReThinking and Work Life podcasts

by Adam Grant

Grant is an organizational psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, an author, and a TED Talk veteran. More importantly, he is a master at taking research that explains how humans think and act and explaining it in an engaging way to non-psychologists so that we can understand ourselves and our world in a better way.


If his podcasts aren't enough for you and you'd like to dive deeper into the themes of his podcasts, check out his books, all of which are great reads for people who are interested in growing their careers, the practices, or their lives outside of work.

Medito Foundation

Chances are that if you found meditation to be difficult, it's because you weren't given the right instructions or expectations. The folks at Medito make meditating easier, more accessible, and best of all, free.


By the way, mindfulness mediation is a technique that is thousands of years old that is, as it turns out, well supported by modern scientific research. If you struggle with distractions throughout your day, mindfulness meditation can help you focus and remain calm in stressful situations.

Daily Journal/Log

Research evidence supports the practice of daily journaling. The habit frees up "browser tabs" in your mind, allowing you to see trends in your days and take advantage of opportunities those trends present.


You can simply buy a notebook and begin or use an electronic format (download below)

Success Rate Tracking

The goal of every audiologist, regardless of their clinical setting, should be to motivate and empower our patients to successfully complete our recommendations more than 70% of the time. However, most audiologists do not keep track of their success rate and grossly overestimate their success rate, typically by 20% to 25%.


Tracking can take different forms depending upon your clinical setting, your OMS/EHR, your patient population, and your goals.


To discuss how to begin tracking success rate in a way that is helpful to you or discuss how to act upon the data, send an email or schedule a chat below.






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