Our Framework
Evidence-based support, tailored to each individual.
Your Goals, Your Plans
No two practices are the same and no two audiologists are the same, so why would we follow a standard "recipe" for everyone?
Research and best practices are utilized to guide you on the journey to reach your business goals and/or clinical goals.
Sessions can be "one and done" or a subscription. There are no contracts and the first session is free.
One-on-one Coaching
Receive customized support and training as you make changes to your practice. Courses and webinars are great, but sometimes you need a coach or consultant to help you to creatively problem solve.
What types of conversations do we have?
Support comes in the form of business, career, leadership, clinical protocols, and the intersection of all four.
Clinical Services
Many audiologists are interested in diversifying their clinical skills and their revenue streams. Auditory processing, auditory training, tinnitus, vestibular, and cochlear implants are all viable options.
Increasing Acceptance Rates
There are ethical and evidence-based strategies and techniques that raise the likelihood of people choosing your practice, following through on your recommendations, and potential referral sources actually referring to your practice.
Leadership & Mangement
As audiologists, our colleagues and staff are a precious resource. Creating and nurturing a culture of focused teamwork is critical to the success of our patients and our practices.
More specifically...
Ethical and evidence-based techniques to increase help rate/acceptance rate/success rate.
Referral marketing
Strategies for online marketing and advertising
Implementing auditory processing services
Time management for employees and employers
Planning a start-up practice
Protocols for tinnitus treatment via telehealth
Mindfulness and emotional intelligence in the workplace.
Protocols for auditory training via telehealth.
Effective messaging and branding.
Equipment financing
Purchasing an established practice.
Exit strategies.
Employee searches and interviewing strategies.
Effectively training new hires.
Data management and interpretation.
Work/life balance.
Goal-setting and process improvement.
Strategies for insurance/third-party administrators.
Leadership and organizational strategies
And sometimes someone to just listen while you vent.
Dr. Tom Goyne
Chief audiologist and proprietor at Aberdeen Audiology in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Aberdeen Audiology is a multi-office, multi-provider private practice that offers services in amplification, auditory processing, auditory training, tinnitus, vestibular, and cochlear implants.
Adjunct professor, preceptor, and visiting lecturer at Salus University. He teaches and mentors future doctors of audiology in the classroom and at Aberdeen Audiology.
Consultant, mentor, and coach to hundreds of audiologists and future doctors of audiology. He enjoys helping his colleagues help more patients and in turn advancing the profession.
Host of The AuD Podcast. Content is focused on the intersection of clinical practice, practice growth, and career growth.
Beginning in 2024, he is the President-Elect of the Pennsylvania Academy of Audiology (PAA). In the past, he has served on boards and committees at PAA and the Academy of Doctors of Audiology.